Thursday, July 21, 2011


I wrote a portion of this over a month ago after returning from Joplin. Many unfortunate pets were displaced from the tornado because it sliced right through the center of town. We decided to find out how the animal shelter folks were holding up and as I stepped up to speak to someone in charge, the attendants quit working. One worker hollered across the room to the other, "HEY! HELEN! WE GOT US A CHAPLAIN!" At first, I wasn't sure if that was a good sign or perhaps we should start the car. It was a good sign, a very good sign.
Our first day, we were ushered around to the different wards of the hospital. Of course, I had to see the new kittens but the attendants asked me first to come to their "new mother ward". Three new mother cats with kittens needed some calming down so they could nurse better, the attendants asked us to pray for them.(Seriously, these tiny babies were born during the storm or just after. Hence the name of my new kitty, yes it is Seriously, true story). Which two of us did, and for the dogs who were still in shock, scared, and injured. We prayed for surgeons, anesthesiologists, attendants and volunteers. 
We took a little walk to the intake shelter where 30-40 pets were picked up nightly. The place was hopping with activity. Owners waiting to pick up found pets. Found pets waiting to be processed and housed for a while since owners were displaced, and many, many volunteers. Below is one encounter that was precious to watch.
Spoke with one man who took a nap with three dogs that day in May (he owns 8), and in his words, "I went to sleep and I woke up to a whole new world!" He had his three dogs with him but the other five were still in the rubble. He couldn't (for fear of what he would find) bring himself to search for the other five. But other survivors jumped in right away and found all five."I found a dog!" "I got one!" "Me too!" and on until all were found.
The dogs now must stay with the Humane Society until their owner has a house; he lost EVERYTHING but his dogs. I watched as the dogs and owner were reunited: wagging tails and swinging butts, one dog peed and another flopped to have her belly rubbed. The owner teared up. A sweet reunion. The family were moved to the "spa area" where they could spread out and play together. A few swimming pools to romp through, nice sand, shade; a joyous playtime. Not home, but dad is here, his babies are together and all is well.

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